At the Friends of Aine Center for Grieving Children and Families, we recognize the importance of working with and educating our community about grief, what it looks like in children and teens, and how to best support those grieving. We offer resources, workshops, trainings, and consultations that include curriculum development for community workers, school staff, and students that provide essential information about acknowledging grief, making space for it, and offering concrete help. It is our hope that grieving children and teens will feel supported and safe not only in our Center, but wherever they may go. Discover more about what we offer by downloading a comprehensive overview of Our Services.
Workshops & Training
The Friends of Aine Center offers grief training, workshops, and consultations to community workers and organizations, school staff, and students. Our goal is to help you better support others who are grieving.
Grief Backpack Initiative
The Friends of Aine Grief Backpack is a compilation of resources, tools, curriculum, and activities for school staff to use with grieving children/teens.
Educational Portal Access
Our secure portal allows access to the “Grief Training for Schools” presentation, curriculum, downloadable resources, videos, and more.
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